Breakfast and Lunch will be FREE at the following schools next year:
- Barker Creek Community School
- Clear Creek Elementary
- Cottonwood Elementary
- Cougar Valley Elementary
- Esquire Hills Elementary
- Fairview Middle School
- Green Mountain Elementary
- Hawk Elementary
- PineCrest Elementary
- Silver Ridge Elementary
- Woodlands Elementary
All families are encouraged to complete a Child Nutrition Eligibility & Education Benefits (CNEEB) Form at the beginning of each school year. This form will help qualify your student(s) for Free or Reduced Price Meals, reduction of school fees and Sunbucks Summer EBT benefits. Completion of a CNEEB form also helps your child's school qualify for other benefits.
The federal government sets eligibility guidelines based on household income and size.
Reduced price breakfast and lunches for grade K–12 are free at all schools
You can complete an application online now by going to or you can pick up an application at your child's school